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The PEACHES Kokua Hui is a group of school and parent supporters who come together to help, cooperate, and pitch in. Together, we support school initiatives and programs financially and find ways to celebrate all of the wonderful teachers and staff at PCHES. Some of the Hui's achievements are providing the teachers and staff with assistance with special funding and manpower. The Fun Run held on the last day of the school year is the highlight of our Hui's efforts for the school. This partnership of parents and school staff has been successful because of our common interest--the students of PCHES!


If you would like to attend Hui meetings or volunteer for Hui-hosted events we welcome your involvement!  Please email the PEACHES Kokua Hui at


2024-25 PEACHES Kokua Hui Officers:

President: Shirlyn Tsuruda

1st Vice President: Chelsea Shuman

2nd Vice President:  Stacie Koga

Secretary: Kimberly Gross

Treasurer: Shirlyn Tsuruda





The election process for our School Community Council (SCC) has been completed, and we are excited to announce the members. The SCC plays an important role in the education system in Hawaii. They provide a forum through which members of school communities can contribute to improving student achievement and school performance. Their purpose is to advise principals about matters that are intended to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to the school community.


SCC Members (50% School Staff, 50% Parents, Students, Community):


School Staff Members:

Keith Hui, Principal

Cherilyn Ginoza, Certificated

Sheri Ohira, Classified


​Parent, Student, & Community Members:

Mark Matsuoka, Chair

Ben Ahn, Vice Chair

Student Representatives, Shea Bishop




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